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Colorful Chalks

Our Students

We are a diverse body of students in grades Pre-K - High School.  At WISE Academy we focus on developing our Qur'anic studies, Islamic studies and character strengthening skills to help us positively navigate through life.  

Our Approach

Every week at WISE is an adventure! Our approach ensures we teach students the way they like to learn.  We love seeing students flock to their classes in anticipation of what will be learned today!  The WISE way explores learning through sports, team building activities, arts and crafts, community service projects, and current events. 
The WISE way helps students... ​
  • be a part of a safe and friendly community 
  • value and internalize simple but impactful lessons
  • build a positive Muslim identity to navigate through life
  • address social challenges that occur at every age  
  • appreciate the Sunnah of servicing your community and paying it forward  








School Wide Team Builders

Microphone Close-Up


Coffee on Desk
Fox Notebook and Pens

Nasreen, Teacher

I love the energy of the school! It feels like a big family!  Each teacher is so creative with their lesson plans - it's exciting to see the kids enjoy while learning!    

Tablet & Coffee

Sarah, Parent

Before my kids would dread going to Sunday school.  Now they are  so excited, they start getting ready the night before - they don't want to miss a minute of WISE!

School Notebook

Maaz, Student 

The time goes by so fast when we're at WISE.  I look forward to coming all week - wish we could come here more days.

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